We can all make a difference in the world. No matter how small or how insignificant your effort may give, it can make an impact just like how a small drop of water can cause ripples, you too can effect change.
Doonsamriddhi Microservice Foundation was established in 2022 with the intention of giving helping hand to the poor kids. It is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation. There is a purpose of our organisation that we help people in their difficult times. We currently working in different fields such as education and literacy, health and family welfare, women empowerment and environment etc. We also make events to raise awareness in public.
We believe that children are the very essence of the future. Who they are tomorrow is essentially the outcome of how they are raised today. Our organisation is formed by the people and is served to the people, by the people. Our organization always try to solve the problems of the poor and helpless people in our country.
Education helps us to set a goal and go ahead by working on that throughout life.
Read MoreFood Campaign is a need for people to have a better understanding of the food we eat.
Read MoreWater is not only important for human beings but for the all creatures in our ecosystem.
Read MoreThe health awareness means making people realise the value of physical, mental and social health.
Read MoreCleanliness of our surroundings and environment is essential for our good health.
Read MoreGender equality means providing equal opportunities to both men and women in every aspects.
Read MoreEducation is the most important things in our life. Education should be mandatory for all kids but the due to some financial issue most of the students in rural areas is facing hurdles to getting education , so we are providing financial assistants for the needy students for their books and many other things related to their education.
Health and family welfare has been at the centre of energy welfare programmes. It has been the area of prime concern for the government. All People would definitely bring about desired change in the area of health and family welfare of the masses was not very different. A healthy outside start from inside.
Women empowerment refers to actions performed to raise women's status in society and reduce all gender disparities. In a broader sense, it relates to women's economic and social empowerment by implementing various policy measures. We make sure every girl attends school for education.